Legal information about the Chateau blog

This site, accessible at URL (the "Site"), is published by :

SARL TOUFAUa limited liability company with capital of 6,000 euros, registered with the Vesoul Gray Trade and Companies Register under number 479 704 603, with management number 2004 B 212, and with its registered office at ZA Champ au roi, 70000 Vaivre et Montoille, FRANCE.

  • Legal representative Marc Andréoli, as Managing Director.
  • Intra-Community VAT number FR 93479704603.
  • APE code : 519 B.
  • Siren number : 47970460300014.
  • Contact address :

The Site is hosted by HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTDwhose registered office is at 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus. To contact them, please follow the link : Contact Hostinger.

Protection of personal data : The Site respects the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting personal data in accordance with current legislation. For more information on the management of personal data, please consult the Site's confidentiality policy.

Intellectual property : All elements of the Website, including text, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, and software, are the exclusive property of SARL TOUFAU, with the exception of trademarks, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, or adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written consent of SARL TOUFAU.

Applicable law and jurisdiction : Any dispute arising in connection with the use of the Site is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

If you have any questions about this legal notice, please contact us at the following email address:
